Are you an adult Catholic who would like to receive your First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation?The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the series of classes and experiences by which interested people can learn about the Catholic Faith. It is a journey that leads many non-baptized persons to seek membership in the Catholic Church through the reception of Baptism. All are welcome to come and see, to ask questions, and to look more deeply at Catholicism.
Those who request Baptism are called Catechumens. Their preparation for Baptism is called the Catechumenate. The RCIA is the process for the Catechumenate.
Baptized non-Catholic Christians who would like to become Catholic are welcome to join the Catholic Church by making the Profession of Faith following a period of study and prayer. Candidates for the Profession of Faith may join the RCIA class, or join a separate Instruction Class.
Baptized Catholic adults who have not received their First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation may also join the RCIA class, or join a separate Instruction Class.
The RCIA begins in September and ends at the Easter Vigil Mass. Classes take place on Saturday mornings at the Holy Family Parish Office (315 East 47th Street, between 1st and 2nd Avenues). The Instruction Class is individually scheduled throughout the year as requested by baptized non-Catholic Christian candidates for reception into the Catholic Church, or by those adult Catholics seeking to make their First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation.
If you would like to register, or to receive more information, please contact Fr. Joseph Chacko at (212) 753-3401 Ext. 15, or